Plan to Clean Up Dilipated Properties in Bowman is Working

In Elbert County, a plan by the Bowman City Council to clean up abandoned and dilapidated properties seems to be meeting with citizen approval.


Earlier this month, the council voted to send letters to the owners of run-down properties asking them to repair them or make improvements.


Certified letters were sent out to numerous property owners within the city limits.

Bowman Mayor Pete Gibbons says so far, people who have responded have been mostly understanding and willing to work with the council.

“I think there are several that haven’t responded, but those that have responded have, mostly, understood the issue and are willing to work to help us rectify it.”

The Bowman City Council may look into ways of handling those that have not responded at next month’s meeting.

Gibbons said he is attempting to use an open approach for those that would like to have their properties fixed up.

“We are taking a very open approach. We understand times are tough, and a lot of these people just haven’t  had the money to do it. Anyone that is willing to work with us, we are willing to work with them. We are not trying to put anyone at a hardship. We are just trying to remove any safety hazards from our community”

Because of the potential safety hazards of fixing overgrown properties, the city council would like to get something in writing before work begins on any property.

More discussion on the clean up campaign is expected at their June meeting.