Hart BOC to Hold Public Hearing on FY14 Budget Tonight

Hart County’s Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing tonight on the FY14 Budget.

Hart County’s fiscal year began October 1st and the board passed a spending resolution to allow the county to operate until the new budget is passed.

The county’s total expected General Fund Expenses for FY14 is $9.7 million with department requests totaling $11 million.  Total expected General Fund Revenue for FY14 is $9.4 million, but according to County Administrator Jon Caime, the big unknown remains how much revenue the county will actually collect once the final tax bills for 2009-2011 go out.

Earlier, Caime had indicated the county must come up with about $200,000 to hire an additional six-man crew for the county EMS and another full-time worker for the county Road Department.

Caime said Wednesday, he has recommended the board hire the six-man crew over a two year period.

The board is expected to pass the FY 14 budget at their regular meeting on October 22nd.

In other business tonight, the board will also go over the 2013 tax millage and discuss contract renewals or bids for several services, including the jail food contract.

Commissioners are also expected to approve the job description for the new animal control officer position.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30p in the County government building in Hartwell.