Royston City Hall Closed Wednesday for Move

Royston City Hall will be closed on Wednesday.

City Manager Greg Scott tells WLHR News Wednesday is moving day and city hall will be moving to its new location at 684 Franklin Springs St., which is the current library.  Scott said city hall and the library will be in the same building for the next several weeks.

“We’re actually going to be co-located with the library until they finish the (new library) building enough to move there,” Scott said. “We’re going to be in what was the children’s section. We’ve already done modifications to the front of the building to allow for a separate entrance.”

Scott said more modifications will be done to the building in the coming weeks.   Meantime, anyone needing to pay a utility bill during the move said will still be able to do so.

“They can still pay their utility bills by calling our 800-number or by going to our Web site,” Scott said. “They can also use the drop box in our current location in the Dill’s Shopping Center on Franklin Springs St.  “

Scott said city hall should be back open for business on Thursday. At that time, utility bills may be paid at the new city hall location.

“The payments will be taken at the new entrance of the library. We will have double doors and that will be our location while we’re renovating the old library to become the new city hall,” Scott said.

Scott said the new city hall renovation is expected to be completed over the next several months.  Meantime, the new library, which was the old city hall, is expected to be completed in about four weeks.

The new Royston Public Library will consist of the library itself, a new technology/media center with computers available for public access, a conference room, and special children’s wing.

The library renovation project is being funded largely with a $1.3 million dollar bond issue from the State of Georgia, along with $55,000 in federal and state grants and $500,000 in donations from the public.