Elections Board Considers Straw Poll on Consolidation Issue

The Franklin County Board of Elections is discussing whether to hold a straw poll on the issue of precinct consolidation.

At their meeting earlier this month, the board heard from Shiela Spencer the head of the Franklin County Democratic Party, who asked if the plan to consolidate precincts could be put on the ballot for voters to decide.

Franklin County Elections Superintendent Tess Eubanks said the elections board consulted with County Attorney Bubba Samuels, who said it could be done if the Franklin County Republican Party agreed.

Eubanks said it could happen one of two ways.

“If they can agree on the wording, they can put it on their primary ballots as a straw poll,” Eubanks said. “Or the elections board could petition the State Legislature to have legislation passed to have it put on the ballot,” Eubanks said.

Eubanks said nothing was decided by the board at their meeting.

She said the Elections Board is still considering consolidating Franklin County’s 13 precincts down to seven, keeping poling places in all five municipalities and in two rural parts of the county.

The board is not obligated under Georgia law to get voter approval before going through with consolidation.  Eubanks said the board has temporarily tabled the consolidation issue until after the municipal elections in November.