Voter Precinct Hearing to Take Place at Justice Center in Carnesville

People votingA change in the location for a scheduled public hearing regarding the Franklin County Board of Elections’ plan to consolidate voting precincts.

The hearing was originally set for August 6th at 6p at Elections and Registrations office in Carnesville.

Franklin County Elections Superintendent Tess Eubanks announced Monday, however, that while the hearing date and time remain the same, it will now take place at the Franklin County Justice Center on Hwy 145 in Carnesville.

Last month, Eubanks announced to the Board of Commissioners that the Elections Board had voted in March to reduce the number of voting precincts from 13 to four.

At the time, Eubanks cited Georgia Law for the decision and said consolidating precincts would save the county money.

“According to Georgia Code 21-2-262, it is their duty to review and make changes to precincts as needed,” she told commissioners.

Eubanks said the new plan would save the county approximately $5,000 per election by reducing the number of needed election workers, and according to her presentation the four-district plan appeared to be a done deal.

However, last week, Eubanks said the four-district plan is not set in stone and public input is welcome.

“That’s one of a number of plans the board looked at,” Eubanks said. “The main thing I want to get out there is that this is not a done deal. The only thing the Board of Elections voted for was to move forward with a plan for consolidation. They are open to any other ideas or suggestions the public has.”

During a public comment period, Eubanks said voter opinion for or against has run about 50-50.

However, critics say the plan as originally stated last month, would disenfranchise voters without transportation, such as those living in public housing and the elderly.

Eubanks said the Board of Elections wants to have a new voting district plan in place by July 2014.