Lavonia City Council Holds Off Voting on Proposed New Alcohol Ordinance

Lavonia City Councilmen say they need more time to consider whether to approve an alcohol ordinance that would allow the consumption of beer or wine in certain public areas such as City parks.

At their meeting Monday night, the Council was asked to vote on two alcohol ordinances.

The first had to do with the creation of an ordinance that would allow for a Brew Pub.

Mayor Courtney Umbehant said the ordinance is needed to help an existing Brew Pub, Gumlog Brewery, get its State license.

After hearing from the Mayor, the City Council voted to approve the new ordinance allowing for a Brew Pub designation.

However, the Council was unsure about the next proposed ordinance which would allow non-profit groups to serve beer or wine at fundraising events held on City properties.

City Attorney Jay Doss explained the ordinance would apply to non-profit groups only and only under certain conditions.

Additionally, he said funds raised at the event would have to benefit the charity the non-profit is sponsoring and not be for profit.

However, Councilman Andrew Murphy said he had reservations about alcohol being allowed on certain City properties.

Commissioner Jeremy Madden agreed and said he needed more time to do some research before voting.

Another concern was the fact that the upcoming Renaissance Festival, which takes place this year near Lavonia City Park on May 4 allows beer and wine sales.

After hearing from Murphy and Madden, Murphy then motioned to table any vote to give the Council more time to read over the proposed ordinance and do some research regarding what other municipalities have in place that is similar.

The Council voted unanimously to discuss the proposed ordinance at their next work session on April 23 and possibly vote on the matter at a called session before the festival.