09/27/2013 – “Shiloh” – Norwegian Elkhound Mix

ShilohThis beautiful dog thought she had a wonderful family she would spend the rest of her life with, but sadly it didn’t turn out that way.  Adopted as a puppy, now at 4yrs old, Shiloh and her puppy were surrendered to the Northeast Georgia Animal Shelter because, “We’re moving to the West Coast and they don’t allow animals.”  

Now, as a longtime volunteer myself with various shelters in Georgia, I’ve heard a lot of excuses for why people give up their pets, but that’s a new one…and a very sad one.  Having lived in California for six years I can tell you they absolutely allow out of state pets, but that’s another soapbox.

The point is, Shiloh has been at the shelter for awhile now and her time is running out.

Shiloh needs a patient person to adopt her who would understand that she has been through a great trauma and will need a little bit of time to adjust.  The shelter staff does recommend her for a family with small children, but older children are OK. 

Shiloh is sweet and would absolutely make a wonderful companion for the right person. Her adoption fee of $55 includes her spay and a rabies vaccine.

Please consider adopting Shiloh.

The Northeast Georgia Animal Shelter is located on Bear Creek Road in Lavonia.  For more information, contact them at 706-356-5363 or email: [email protected].  You can also visit them on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/northeastgeorgiaanimalshelter.