Two NE Georgia Schools Make the Grade for Most Improved
The Georgia Department of Education is recognizing schools with exceptional academic achievement or improvement, including Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) schools that made progress over the last year, former CSI–graduation rate schools, Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI) schools that exited support identification, and Title I Distinguished and Reward Schools.
On Thursday, the Georgia Department of Education released the 2023-2024 lists of Distinguished and Reward Schools and two schools in our area have made the Reward list.
They are the former Royston Elementary School now South Franklin Elementary in Franklin County and Elbert County Primary School in Elbert County.
Reward Schools designation recognizes Title I schools making the most significant improvements.
Reward Schools are among the greatest-improving 5% of Title I Schoolwide and Title I Targeted Assistance schools when comparing the content mastery scores from the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 of statewide assessments.
Schools must be Title I to be eligible for the Reward designation and must not currently be identified for CSI or TSI support.