State Supreme Court Suspends Local Attorney

By Ethan Jordan, WNEG Radio, Toccoa

A Toccoa attorney has received an interim suspension by the Supreme Court of Georgia.

On September 20, the Georgia Supreme Court ordered Timothy Paul Healy be suspended from the practice of law until further notice.

In the ruling, the Court wrote quote, “Because Timothy Paul Healy has failed to adequately respond to the State Bar’s Notice of Investigation, and the maximum sanction for the violations contained in the Notice is disbarment, pursuant to State Bar Rule 4-294.3 (d), it is ordered that Healy be suspended from the practice of law in Georgia until further order of this Court.” end quote.

The Georgia Bar Association gives no reason on their Web site for their investigation, nor why Healy was being investigated.

According to the State Bar of Georgia’s website, an interim suspension is defined as a temporary suspension of an attorney’s right to practice law based on the attorney’s failure to respond to a grievance pending with the Investigative Panel of the State Disciplinary Board.

On their Web page, the State Supreme Court has tentatively set a new hearing date on the case for January.

Healy is the owner of The Healy Law Firm, located on Broad St. in Toccoa, and has been practicing law since June 1979.

Healy has declined to comment on the suspension.

WLHR News will continue to follow this story and bring you additional details as they become available.