Showing of movie, Unplanned, Coming to Emmanuel College Saturday

Franklin County Right To Life is sponsoring the showing of a movie about abortion they believe everyone from teens to adults should see.

The movie is called, “Unplanned” and will be shown this Saturday in Taylor Chapel at Emmanuel College at 6p and is free.

According to Franklin County Right To Life member Erin Brown, it’s probably one of the most important films about the abortion industry ever made.

“The movie Unplanned is about the life of Abby Johnson who worked for Planned Parenthood in Texas and her journey towards leaving Planned Parenthood. Now, she’s a pro-life speaker and runs the And Then There Were None Ministries that helps women out of the abortion industry,” Brown explained.

Based on her book, “Unplanned,” Abby Johnson was one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, and according to her book was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women on their reproductive choices.

Johnson was passionate about a woman’s right to choose and became a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood until she witnessed something that changed her and her life forever.

Unplanned received a controversial “R” rating even though the movie contains no gun violence or profanity.

Critics of the “R” rating have said that it is ironic that a young girl can get an abortion without her parents’ consent in many states but can’t see a movie about it.

Brown says the movie is not just for adults, but is also an important movie for teens as well.

“Everyone should see this movie,” she said. “I don’t recommend it for children because it does deal with some hard adult issues, but everyone should see this movie regardless of what side of the abortion issue you may be on.”

Brown said her teenage boys saw the movie and told her they were glad that they saw it because even though their mother had been working with Right to Life for some time, they had no idea of the gravity of the issue.

Again, the move will be shown this Saturday in Taylor Chapel at Emmanuel College at 6p and is free.