Monday Pollen Count: 1592

Mostly tree pollen, which is extremely high right now according to the Atlanta Allergy & Asthma Clinic.

Other pollens include grass pollens, which are in the moderate range today.

Tips for surviving high pollen days:

  • Keep your car and house windows closed; run the air conditioner (recycled setting) instead.
  • Change your air filters. If you have an electrostatic filter, rinse it.
  • Shower before going to bed or when you get home. Pollen can settle into your hair and onto your clothes and skin, so a shower will keep you from breathing in pollen all night.
  • Wash off indoor pets’ paws and wipe down their fur with a damp cloth or towel if they’ve been outdoors. Pets can easily track pollen into your home, leaving it on your carpets and furniture.Avoid outdoor activities until early evening. Pollen counts tend to be highest in the mornings.
  • If you have outdoor plans, take your allergy medication before going out. Don’t wait until you have symptoms.
  • See your board certified allergist for a proper diagnosis of exactly what’s triggering your symptoms and a treatment plan specifically targeting those allergens.

More info available at