Hart County Charter System Names Teachers of the Year

Hart County Charter System is excited to announced the new class of Teachers of the Year for the 2020-2021 school year!

In all, five teachers were named this year.

Jenny Martin, a special education teacher, has been named the Teacher of the Year for Hartwell Elementary School.

Emilee Patrick, a 5th grade English and Languish Arts teacher, has been named Teacher of the Year for North Hart Elementary School.

Kathleen Teel, a Tier Intervention teacher for RTI/MTSS, has been named Teacher of the Year for South Hart Elementary School.

Earl Fouch, a 6th grade math teacher, has been named Teacher of the Year for Hart County Middle School.

And Christie Simpson, a science teacher, has been named Teacher of the Year for Hart County High School.

In order to be eligible for Teacher of the Year recognition, teachers are nominated and voted on by their peers and school principal.

They must be a certified classroom teacher in public pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, including special education, physical education, art, music, media specialists, and ROTC teachers.

They must also be teachers who inspire students, are dedicated and skilled in active teaching, play an active role in the community and are respected by both students and their parents.

The five teachers will move on to an interview process with judges from various counties within the state, on November 4, and a Teacher of the Year for the county school system will then be named at a Teacher of the Year luncheon on November 15.