Franklin Co BOE to Hold Second of Three Public Hearings on HB581 Thursday

The Franklin County School Board will hold the second of three public hearings this week on their decision to opt out of the Floating Homestead Property Tax Amendment.

The hearing will take place Thursday, Feb 6 at 5:30p before their work session at 6p.

At a presentation in November to the Board of Education, Assistant School Superintendent of Operations Carl Dekker gave an example of how a floating homestead exemption would work based on a $100,000 home.

Dekker then showed a chart outlining how much money the school district would lose in property tax revenue had the Board decided to opt-in to HB581.

It may seem like there’s been a flurry of public hearings in the news regarding the Floating Homestead Property Tax Exemption amendment and there has been.

That’s because according to the new amendment, all Georgia county and municipal governments, as well as all Georgia school boards must decide by March 1st on whether to opt-out of or opt-in to the floating homestead property tax amendment.

To do that, they must first hold three public hearings and then draw up and vote on a resolution outlining their decision which must be sent to the State Dept of Revenue. All by March 1.

After March 1, whatever was decided can never be changed according to the new amendment.

The Franklin County Board of Education will hold its third and final public hearing on the amendment on Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 6p followed by their regular meeting at 6:30p.

Both meetings will take place at the Board of Educaiton Administrative offices on Busha Rd in Carnesville.