Carnesville Fire Dept Offers List of Important Numbers During a Weather Event

With the possibility of sleet and ice today the Carnesville Fire Department has listed on their FB page phone numbers and other tips in the event of a power outage or emergency.

Because of the chance for icy roads, accidents, and power outages emergency services in Franklin and Hart counties are all hands on deck through at least Saturday.

If you need to call for help, here’s who to call:

For hazardous road conditions, trees down in the roadway, etc: Call 911

For downed power lines call 911 and the electric company, either Hart EMC or Georgia Power.

For phone outages whether cell or landline, call your phone service provider.

If you use propane and you run out or the tank isn’t working properly call your propane provider.

DO NOT call 911 unless you have an emergency. DO NOT call them if your power goes out or lose cell phone or landline service or if you need propane.

A list of those numbers
To assist us in helping all of you, here are some important numbers to remember posted by the  Carnesville Fire Dept:

Hazardous road conditions – 911
Trees down in the roadway- 911

Downed electric lines – 911
Hart EMC – 800–241-4109
Georgia Power – 888-660-5890

Hart Telephone Company- 706-376-4701
AT&T Landline / Internet – 800-288-2020
AT&T Cellular – 800-331-0500
Verizon – 800-837-4966
T-Mobile – 800-937-8997

Amerigas – 800-726-0158
City of Hartwell Gas Dept – 706-856-3205
Southern Propane – 706-245-6111
Royston Gas Dept – 706-498-4983
Toccoa Gas – 706-491-3305

Numbers you need to have for emergencies:
Medical Supply Co – (order extra Oxygen tanks in case of power outage)
Wrecker / Towing
Tree removal services
Medical Doctor

Keep the list and a list of medications on your fridge.