Lavonia Police Chief Sworn In to Georgia Board of Public Safety

Lavonia Police Chief Bruce Carlisle says he’s looking forward to his new role as a member of the Georgia Board of Public Safety.

Carlisle was sworn-in late last month by Governor Brian Kemp in a ceremony in Atlanta as the State Representative for the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police.

Carlisle says he was approached about the appointment last year.

“Late last fall I was contacted by the Commissioner of Public Safety, Mark McDonough asking me if it was OK if he recommend me to serve on the Board of the Public Safety,” Carlisle said. “Just the recommendation I felt was quite an honor. He did make the recommendation and Governor Nathan Deal approved it and I began to serve on the Board.”

Carlisle said once recommended and approved by the Governor, a member must be ratified by the Senate and then sworn-in.

After the election last November, the Chief was re-appointed by Governor Kemp and ratified by the Senate during the last Legislative session.

Carlisle said he’s honored to have been appointed.

“I’m so extremely humbled and honored to be given this opportunity,” he said Monday. “Even if I had not been appointed to the Board, just being recommended was a true honor for me to serve on this oversight board for the state agencies. We’ve been able to build partnerships with those agencies over the years and hope to continue to nuture those relationships in years to come.”

Carlisle serves as the District 9 Representative for the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police.

The Board meets nine times a year.  Their next meeting is coming up this Thursday in Hiawassee.